Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Face of Emotional Abuse

It creeks it's ugly face across the door pain.
So hideous it must hide its face.
Some take it as a friend and in turn
it turns them into monsters.
Sometimes looks may be deceiving,
but when the screams come it
suffocates all freedom and leaves you
desperate, bruised, and alone.
Stop! Stop! Stop!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

They Can See

Do you hear me kill the music at night?
I don't think that I would really notice.
I block out the one and take the other.
Why can't I intertwine the two?
To enjoy myself as a part of the music.
For some reason it hurts to standout.
I seem to bruise in all the wrong places.
Places where they can see.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Sing to me when the storm is over,
for than I can hear you when the thunder is away.
Deep within the crevasses of my soul I feel you.
Your heart beating once more.
Born again as you walk into the water.
Too good for this crumbling ,feeble body,
But someday when you return I will be with you.
This beating will never wain, a gift from my father above.
You as a friend are a part of every strand, fibber, cell that completes me.
And the water..... has made us clean.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

How Will My Children Be?

I lie awake and wonder, what is it to know that a child is a part of you?
When they come home from the hospital fresh and clean,
Or later from the prom drunk and rude.
How do you know that you have done a good job?
It's strange that I still feel like one of them yet  I'm old enough to have my own.
Little feet later can step on or follow after yours.
You cannot always tell a good parent from a good child.
Some were born for trouble, others never saw beyond an A.
The world is full of unprepared feeling people who wonder,
"How will my children be?"

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dreams and Nightmares

            Dreams sometimes come true.  Well, so do nightmares you never thought were there.  Always wanted a happy ending. I remember the thoughtless mind that I carried at my worst.  Only nightmares played back over and over the hate that  I never knew bothered me that I had collected.  All those people, desires, words of hate.  My dreams tall and small have blossomed for me and made me strong.  Never thought that I'd be a model or have so many dates, but than again I never thought I'd be so sick I couldn't finish college and would be single at 29.  Life has formed me into a form where nightmares and dreams make up my center.  I am one of the lucky ones.  Given time for myself.  To finish at my own time you could say.  To purge this anger.    I've held a dream that has made me feel pretty.  The talents of  Wife and Mother, that's what I want to work on next.