Monday, January 31, 2011

The Fight

     River of water come take me away, far from this cocoon, somewhere with the moon.  Will you hear me tonight in the silence and the cold,  that only God can bare?  Somehow I feel that you knew me before we said our hellos.  You saw past the walls , past the plaster, and into the colors of what was worth the fight.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The One Who Loves You

Like the soul of a dancer he shows his grace, sings purity like a three year old child.  Patience with my insecurities.  Oh wait, it has disappeared.  Wanting none else ,but to wait with you, to watch you smile ,to listen, and cry with you.  Perfect tears that fall around him speak loudly ,asking some to live for him.......and others to let go.

Don't Forget

When I found you,
Your heart was pure once more.
An untangled web.
A new pressance and additude.
A life that only knew you.
I beg of you.
Don't forget me .
Think of me.
Dream of me,
Because I can't forget you.


All these things make me who I am.
Am I part of a mask or  just part of these colors.
To put this jewelry onto my face,
Make-up has become part of the truth ,an outlet,
part of what's good in me.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Oh, The Drama!


Intents of a Song

Water turned into wine,
A candle lit by my bed,
The sweet kisses from Heaven,
The romance and therapeutic dreams
The dreams of a perfect me,
No cigarette smoke,
A perfect body,
A perfect me

Tears fallen from Heaven,
Form on my arm,
A shaking bed from the coldness,
 Of the room

I swear that God loves only,
You and only me,
God loves only you and only me,
Only me as I lay,
Listening to the voices that,
Pass my time

I feel I'm going insane,
Is it you or only me,
Only me

Yea, Yea, Yea,
Whatever, whatever,
I feel what I feel,
I see what I see,
I feel God,
Who cares what I see

Diet Pills -What Almost Killed Me.

Everyday high taken.
My everyday actions.
What a simple plan.
numb to the world.
Only a pain,
but taken for the effect,
of having my weight and scale,
showing me what I wanted,
to see with little work.
Only $14.99.
Oh, what a great bargain,
for a new God.


Evermore expired
for the time was that given.
You gave me the worst of times.
I had to survive.
I gave all my energies,
thoughts and ambitions.
For what?!
For you to make up your mind?
No, for it is mine.

The Endless Image- My First Poem!

Drawn motionless,
private parts emerged,
in salty silk,
raises to the sun,
braises the skin,
draws out the life,
and eats away,
her soul,
stares at her images,
and is turned into salt,
saturated to the point,
that is everlastingly too late,
And is lost by what she has made.

Well, Hello!

One of my new great passions has become writing poetry for self- exploration.  I've been using Facebook as a tool to share what I have to say, but I'm afraid that I started to annoy many of my Facebook friends with my type of work.  Poetry isn't for everyone, but the deepest and most sensitive of souls.  So, this page is to be an outlet for the heart and rhythm of Shayla's life.