Friday, April 29, 2011


What?  No eyeliner?
I don't really care,
But Baby ,you're pushing it.
I didn't do my make-up for him,
So that means you too.
Goth, Glam, whatever you call it.
Been in style and just keeps going.
Beautiful eyes, thanks to you
My Love
It's as if God has led me to you.
We have this great relationship.
Kept the mistery alive.
How strong will you come on today?
You are like the refection of
my darkness or light each day.
My eyeliner, how much I love you!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Carrying the Moon

I didn't know that it would be so hard.
I only hope that it is worth it.
Yes, it hurt that badly.
Now the Sun is out,
But I have fallen asleep.
Picking up the trash along the way.
Paper, plastic, soda cans,
Are they from me or from this city.
 How am I to know?
But I carry the Moon and sleep in the Sun.
Is it my protection from the people who
Judge of trash being picked up along the way?
No, I just don't want the world to see
 How hard it is to carry the moon.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Diseased and crippled with fear.
What is the next step?
Crawling up a broken ladder,
Missing the next step could kill me.
I have no idea where I am headed,
Only that the goal of the ladder is to go up.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Was it my fault?
Shouldn't have been  nice.
Shouldn't have stood by the door.
A waist of time in every way.
He took his time with me.
That's why it took him so long
To find out that he wasn't going to win.
No one can touch the glass doll on the top shelf,
Unless they have a ladder.
He waited at the bottom for me to fall,
but settled for straw instead.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


      Once again I want to look in the mirror without seeing something unhuman.  You made me a slave, wasting my talents and emotions on your craft.  Trust is what you have robbed me of.  Once again I want to look in the mirror without seeing something unhuman.  To have power to control my senses.  Once again to intuitivly be once more.  Nevermind the passing discomfort of today, because the greatest gift I have is my health.  I have become limited and dependent.  I will let you go now.  I think that I can.  Let go of your clenching grasp around my neck, because today I found that I was the one who held them there.

Friday, April 8, 2011

His Hands

The more  I learn of life,
The better I find that I am,
For I am of noble birthright,
True to my heritage I am,
For I am a Child of God,
Learning to walk in his ways,
I am here to prove who I am,
He wants me to be meek,
He wants me to be a lamb,
He wants me to be pure,
He wants me to hold his hand.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Old Hands

Can someone's hair change their life?  In this world it is so.  Blonde and long, tan skin to go with it.  I know!  Lose some weight.  There you go.  You are a Barbie now, but what do you do when you reach that?  Must keep it up.  Old lady 40 years later still trying to keep it up.  Now a monster- plastic surgery everywhere, hair still long and blonde, but wrinkles still appear.  You can not hide old hands, even with fake nails.

She looks at her life and sees her life at the Gym, Tanning Bed, Spa , Beauty Salon. Did she do this for herself or for the approval of others?

Monday, April 4, 2011

What Hair And Make-up Can Do For Me!

 Yes ,This is Me!

The World- For Your Children

Never the less we made it.
We walked across the sea.
We plowwed through the trees.
We planted flowers in the desert.
Were these mistakes?
They run us dry,
Take all of our energy.
But some child is in need of these things?
How can we deny him bread?
We made this world for Man,
Now make it for your children.

Friday, April 1, 2011

A New Expression

Could my life be worth a tear?
I thought he was strong and tough.
He never had any expression to my Hell.
Every few weeks I'd lay it on him.
Yet today he was soft. 
Today I spoke of death.
Could my life be worth a tear?