Sunday, March 18, 2012

I remember when I was in my acting class my Professor called me boring. I guess I am sometimes. I mean after watching that video of me, I sound uninterested in what was going on, but my mind is working quickly and it is angry at her past rejections and misunderstandings, yet living for God and his word and love. I have a pure heart. I posted a video last week about Genius and found that Genius is borrowed and comes from a Heavenly source. Like this video I made where I say, "apple in a sack and such" I believe it came from the Administering Angels about me that I believe inspire me and as my spirituality grows the Angels about me are able to further enlighten me. They, and me, are making it so it so it will get people's attention. Tonight , at times I felt as light as a feather , that my yoke was taken from me. Sexual abuse is common in Eating Disorders and if I can talk about this in this way, with a pure heart, like a child, the others with sexual abuse and Eating Disorders will relate and seek help. Thank you. Like · · Share

Monday, March 12, 2012

"Because You Saw in Me a Pearl in a Grain of Sand"

White as wool,
Translucent as snow,
Soft as feathers,
Clear as crystal,
Are your words that pry open my shell.
Remove the annoyance of Sand that has become a treasure.
Precious and of worth.
But Who else should I offer it?
 I have not placed it.
I am not wholly its maker.
Without your patience
I would be cast aside.
I offer you my talent-
A Pearl of Great Price,
Because you saw in me a pearl ,in a grain of sand
In something seemingly ordinary like me.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Toast Ala'mode

Little Girl hides her lunch.
She made it  herself.
There's only an apple in a brown paper sack.
2 years, a bowl of her favorite ice cream.
Orange cream for her toast ala'mode.
Drinks a Diet Crush and calls it blood,
Washes it down,
Now it's okay to be full.
Does it with class.
Does it without hiding,
Because everyone deserves a little Toast Ala'mode,
To be done with class.
In the presents of strangers.